The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the raping series

Looking up for some stuff on, I accidentally ran into this story (try not to freak out with the title): mikey has raphs baby, by turtlemaniac

Well… only by reading the title you may imagine what we’ll find in there. Summary:

one night on a run with raph mikey’s carefree life changes forever. i’m really bad at summaries please review so i can improve it


And then the WTF:

1month after this mikey was on patrol again when he heard raph say “well mikey the boy died eh i was the father right?” and mikey said “yeah go away raph i want to be alone” but raph grabbed him and raped him again then he said “no i wont leave you alone i want a child with you if they ask who the father of this baby is you tell them you had consensual sex with me” then mikey said “ok” and he went home. 1week later mikey felt sick so he went and took a test but when it showed up positive he didnt want his family to know but he was on patrol 5months later when someone came rushing at him with a knife and stabbed him in the stomach so when the battle was finished leo said “hang on mikey we’ll get you home” then he picked him up and ran.

But the story does not end up here. I checked out the author’s profile, and I found no more, no less than 31 stories for the Ninja Turtles. All of them of similar features. Here are some of the most WTF quotes I found:

From donny rapes naomi:

about 5days later Naomi felt better so after her lessons and training she went to visit donny in his house in a different part of the sewers and when she was there he said “father says you had your first period last week” and Naomi said “yeah i did i’m a big girl now” just then donny gagged Naomi, pulled her pants off and raped her then he told her “if you tell anyone about that you’ll regret it now go home” so Naomi went home.


when donny saw naomi’s bump he said “you’re pregnant arent you?” and Naomi nodded so then donny said “i cant have a child running around i’ll have to get rid of it” then he pulled his arm back and thrust it towards her bump but at the last moment Naomi moved down the bed and the knife entered her chest when donny relaxed his grip he saw the knife sticking out of her chest and panicked when Naomi saw where the knife was sticking out of she said “please help me donny i might die if you dont” but donny was in self preservation mode so he knocked her out, covered her up again and walked out.


From chou is forced to have sex:

one day Chou was walking through the streets when she was suddenly pulled into an alleyway and she saw a giant rat and giant turtles and she said “you guys are the teenage mutant ninja turtles and splinter arent you?” and splinter said “that is right” and Chou said “i’m like your biggest fan what are you doing with yourselves today?” and they said “we’re looking for a girl to have sex with” then Chou said “i’ll let you get back to your search then” and then leo said “i believe we just found the perfect girl” and Chou said “who?”and they all just looked at her so Chou said “whoa not me i dont want to have sex with you guys it would ruin my worship and heroic thoughts of you” then splinter said “well you are the girl we have been looking for so we will be taking you to our home and we will have sex with you” then donny used drugs to knock Chou out. when she woke up she was in a strange room so she looked around and saw the mutant family looking at her then she realised she was naked and tied to a bed but then splinter came over and raped her and then all the turtles raped her and this continued for the next month with the whole family raping her twice a day.


1month later Chou and raph were sitting on a rooftop when he suddenly kissed Chou so she said “raph what was that about i’m not interested in you” then raph said “but i’m very interested in you i want you now” then he raped Chou again and left her so Chou went straight home but she hadn’t realised she was covered in blood and cum


after raph had left Chou tried to drag herself to get help but she couldnt move a lot as she was losing a lot of blood and she knew that she had lost a lot of blood so when she felt like she was going to pass out she knew that if she did she could die [tetrarch fell from chair] but she didnt want her baby to die as well so she bleeped the first number in her shell cell which was leo’s and when she heard him at her door she called him in and when he saw her he said “oh god Chou hang on i’ll get help” then he called donny and splinter and once they were in Chou’s room donny said “what happened Chou?” and Chou said “raph stabbed me he wants the baby to die i think i’m not long for the world but please if i die get the baby out” then leo said “donny stop her bleeding please”


No, seriously guys… wtf?

The Invisible Pink Punk Unicorn wishes to know your opinion